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Support Dream A Dream

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cycle For A Dream

Cycle for the cause of empowerment of children through Life Skills development.

Cyclothon Bengaluru’09 is the largest road cycling event being organized in Bangalore on October 11th, 2009. This is being organized by CNBC Sport18 and BSA Hercules.

The Cyclothon is an event designed to enable everybody to be able to get great leverage and support for the work of an organisation and the cause they stand for. We request you to take this opportunity and choose Dream A Dream as the charity that you support through the cyclothon. So buckle up, spread the message, raise funds, empower children and have fun cycling. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation and your support to Dream A Dream.

There are 3 packages for the Cyclothon available for Individuals and corporates.

Dream Team (DT)
The DT is a select group of individuals who commit to raising at least Rs.1 lac in pledges. Each Dream Teamer cycles for one charity of his/her choice. She /he has to fill the DT Form and make an upfront, non-refundable contribution of Rs10, 000/- in order to join the DT.

Corporate Challenge (CC)
The CC is a select group of companies that contribute a minimum of Rs. 1, 05,000. The company sends a group of upto 20 employees to participate in the event. Each employee is encouraged to raise at least Rs 5,000/- in pledges, which is matched by the Company’s contribution of Rs. 1.05 lacs, thus bringing the total contribution from the team to at least Rs 2.10 lacs.

A company signs up by filling the CC form and making an upfront, non-refundable Contribution of Rs. 1, 05,000/- in order to join the Challenge. Many companies offer to match pledges raised by their employees without a limit, or send multiple teams to participate.

Pledgers’ United (PU)
The PU is for everyone else who would raise pledges of any amount and cycle for a cause. A person joins the PU by filling the Cyclothon Registration Form and obtaining a soft copy of a pledge kit.

Kindly visit this link for more information http://bsaherculescyclothon.in.com/.

We request you to sign-up and cycle for Dream, encourage your companies to sign-up and support Dream A Dream.

Write to us at rao.poo11@gmail.com for more details and the registration forms.

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